
About Me

Welcome to Lunges and Lashes!

I'm Holley. Nice to meet you.
This is the part when I tell you all the boring things about myself that don't really seem that special from anyone else. I'm a mom, I stay at home and take care of my baby girl. I am a supportive military wife, I have a dog, I like to workout and eat food that is good for me and take long walks on the beach... yadda yadda yadda. You see where this is going? So interesting right?

No it's not, but those things are all true.

I am not here to post a million pictures of my daily activities and try to act like I fix my hair and wear cute clothes everyday and that my house is spotless and my whole life is just adorable and tantrum free because that is just not a reality. Nor am I perfect in my personal fitness and daily nutrition. If I want some cake I am gonna eat it. And maybe sneak some extra bites when no one is looking.

No I didn't always like fitness or working out and have not been a skinny minnie throughout my life. I gain weight looking at cookies, that is just how my body works, so I am always fighting the good fight to stay healthy.

My real love of fitness started about 6 years ago. I ran my first half marathon and saw possibilities open to me that I never thought were possible before. I saw a whole community of active, happy, healthy people having FUN that welcomed me with open arms and I wanted to be a part of that.
I truly believe that working out and being healthy should be a positive experience for everyone. No matter where you start from or what your personal goals are. There is no one right thing for everyone and we are all unique.

I started this blog a few years ago but then took a few years off. I was going through some personal challenges and my life was becoming out of balance and something had to give. So much has happened since then, you can read here, and I feel like I am ready to pick this back up and start again. I used to think that to blog about fitness I had to be in peak shape all the time. I have since learned that isn't true or a realistic expectation. I am human just like you and there are pregnancies, life changes and moments when we lack motivation.
My blog is here to share my personal experiences with fitness, nutrition and other things I have found useful in my own journey of health. Hopefully you can find some of it useful and if there is ever a topic you are interested in hearing about, please let me know.

So here's to all of you out there that are just like me... or maybe you are a little better, who are fighting the good fight alongside me. We are all in this together!

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